Scholarometer is a social platform that extends Google Scholar to facilitate scholarly citation analysis. You provide author annotations about their fields, and our tool uses this crowdsourced data to evaluate the impact of an authors publications in those fields. Our impact metric can be compared across fields. Install the browser extension to use Scholarometer! After installation, you will see the Scholarometer panel at the top right-hand side of any Google Scholar profile page. Read more about the Scholarometer project here: Version History: 5.4.0 - Updated to manifest v3 5.3.0 - Added popup explaining how to use Scholarometer which appear before the first use - Support for the new CORS policy for extensions introduced in Chrome 85 5.1.0 - Fixes general bugs - Improvements to h-index validation to avoid data manipulation 5.0.5 - Fixes to the allowed URLs list for the extension. 5.0.4 - Fixed links to author in Scholarometer portal. 5.0.3 - Added option to create a Scholarometer widget for an author. 5.0.2 - Faster information retrieval. 5.0.1 - Small Updates & Bug Fixes. 5.0 - The extension is now integrated with Google Scholar, and appears at the top-right corner in any Google Scholar profile page. - The extension is easier to use; there is no need to search. It only provides data about universal impact metrics rather than reproducing a list of publications already available in Google Scholar. - Fields shown in gray do not have enough votes to know if they are reliable. - You can now tag and evaluate the impact of any author with a Google Scholar profile. This addresses the issue of ambiguous author names but precludes the possibility of searching for any author who is not on Google Scholar. - The Scholarometer API has been updated and now provides data in JSON format, to more easily access data collected through the extension. - The Scholarometer website ( is completely redesigned and simplified.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Scholarometer Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Scholarometer Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Search for scientific information as quickly as possible while researching and writing scientific papers.
Scholar H-Index Calculator enhances Google Scholar with bibliometric analysis tools and much more
This extensions tightly integrates BibSonomy with your browser.
Highlights retracted papers in Google Scholar™ and Web of Science™.
This extension works off Google Scholar result pages, allowing the user to view abstracts or other machine generated summaries.
Find single citations using the context menu.
Summarizes research articles, creates interactive flashcards, highlights 'key' points, links to open-access versions of each citation
Automatic check for full text, details, and metrics of scientific articles, plus comments, citations, fast sharing and more.