- Screenshot Easy is a free tool which allows you taking an editable screenshot in the easy way. - Youll get fast, simple, easy to take an editable screenshot. - You can select any area and take its screenshot. - User-friendly interface makes your work with the tool easier. - Edit screenshot instantly when taking them. - You can also upload your screenshot to the server and get its short link right away.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Screenshot Easy Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Screenshot Easy Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Innovative screenshot tool lets users screen capture and edit screenshot. Full page screen capture.
Screen capture, full page screen shot, visible area screenshot, edit print screen, save snapshot in PNG, PDF.
An easy tool for taking screenshots (full screen / visible part / selected by yourself)
A smart screenshot capturing tool which provides you lot of powers with perfect results to capture your important web pages or…
Take a screenshot of current tab
Take screenshots and store them in local memory. Download them automatically or at a later date.
Capture viewport, crop & save to file, copy to clipboard as binary or data URL
You can turn lightshot service pages!
This extension allows you to open Lightshot screenshots via direct url. Photos can be uploaded for photo editing.
Saves a PNG screenshot of the current tab.