One of the most popular add-ons for Firefox is now available for Chrome! ScribeFire is a full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily post to all of your blogs. You can post to blogs from Wordpress, Blogger, TypePad, Windows Live Spaces, Xanga, LiveJournal, or any other blog that supports the MetaWeblog or MovableType APIs. You can edit and update existing posts. You can schedule posts for the future (if your blog allows that). You can delete posts. You can save drafts. You can tag and categorize. You can upload images. You can edit visually, or you can use HTML or Markdown. You can post to multiple blogs at once. ScribeFire for Chrome has a simple interface that is so simple even a caveman could use it, and anything youre working on is saved if you close the editor and restored when you come back. It really is the easiest way to update your blog.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the ScribeFire Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the ScribeFire Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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List of ways to promote and get traffic to your content and blog posts after you have hit publish.
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Post to WordPress in two-clicks
WordPress' Press This interface for Chrome. Supports multiple blogs.
Add syntax highlighting, beautification and hot'key's to Blogger posts html editor.
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High Quality Blogger, WordPress and other blog template collections and gallery.
Post very quickly pictures and videos from a web page to your wordPress blog using XML-RPC