For those who love to use the space bar to scroll pages, this extension binds [Ctrl + Space] to scroll a half page down, and [Shift + Ctrl + Space] to scroll a half page up by default. You can change those binds at the options page. [Space] - Browsers default - Scroll a half page [Ctrl + Space] - Browsers default - Scroll a half page - Scroll a page
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Scroll Half Page Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Scroll Half Page Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Quickly scroll to the top or bottom of any page without using the mouse wheel.
Scroll to top, bottom, or both. Click extension icon, on-page button, use context menu options, and/or 'key'board shortcuts.
Hit Ctrl+Down to scroll the page so the next image is aligned to the top of the window.
Simply scrolling to top or bottom
Smooth scroll with the 'key'board
Allows you to navigate any paged website using the left and right 'key'board 'key's.
Click and drag anywhere to scroll the page.