Tired of remembering multiple passwords? With Secure Passwords, you only need to remember one master password and the passwords app will generate strong but unique passwords for all your different online accounts. The passwords are generated locally in your browser, none of your data ever leaves your computer and the password tool can be used in offline mode as well. The password generator internally uses the super-strong BCrypt encryption algorithm to generate the hashes and thus the passwords are almost impossible to break. The code is open-source and can be download from Github. The password generator is also available as an Android App.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Secure Passwords Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Secure Passwords Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Single click secure login for your salesforce(force.com), netsuite, jira(atlassian) accounts.
Simple tool for generating strong and secure passwords
Generate safe passwords based on specified criteria.
This extension will allow users to set password for the browser to avoid unauthorized access. Prompts for password on chrome startup
See the most recently published tutorials and how-to guides from Digital Inspiration in your Chrome browser.
Allows you to generate customisable secure passwords on the fly.
You only need to remember one password, your master 'key'. 123 Password will generate passwords on different websites for you.
Remember your MasterPassword, and this app will generate unique passwords for every other site you visit
Cyberx Password Generator
Uniq'key' is a secure password manager for all of your devices.