Selenium Capture ease the pain of manually finding * xPath, * elements value, * className, * ID. Sometime developer has to take loading time of pages into account.☹ This feature captures the users interaction like key-stroke and click and generate the table containing * user action, * interacted-elements attributes, * time-out. This extension also allow user to manipulate generated table. We also have added another feature which allow developer to generate excel sheet and download the same
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Selenium Capture + Excel Generator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Selenium Capture + Excel Generator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Selenium IDE substitute. Create, maintain, and auto-generate hand-crafted QA automation code in a variety of frameworks.
A nimble and flexible Selenium Page Object Model generator to improve agile testing process velocity.
Locate and save web elements and get their xpath/cssSelector code
Browser DevTools extension for modelling web pages for automation.
This extension is a part of Find.By ReSharper plugin
Applitools plugin for Selenium IDE
Find Selenium Objects - id, name and custom attributes highlighted in different colors for easier test automation
A Robot that records user action and scans the page to generate RobotFramework test scripts (beta)