Serpstat Website SEO Checker allows you to find the key metrics of any site or page in just a few clicks. It provides you with an extensive list of SEO metrics, analysis, and tips. To examine a domain/page, you dont need to open a new tab. Click on the icon and youll get an SEO audit of domain or page: visibility, traffic, number of keywords, top competitors in the region, etc. Three sections are now available: * On-page SEO parameters - Free Lifetime * Page analysis - Freemium * Domain analysis - Freemium Some features work without API requests to Serpstat servers so they are available without signing up, right after installation of the extension. Some reports require to sign up and get a token for API access. Serpstat Website SEO Checker makes analyzing competitors data easier than ever. The extension helps you to provide quickly a keyword research and trust me, its much better than Keyword Planner tool. The major features: #1 On-page search engine optimization: Page Source Google Cache PageSpeed Insights Site start date Meta tags HTML tags Words Count / Symbols Count Favicon checker and many others. #2 Page analysis: Top 10 keywords in Google ranking URL that ranks for this request Ranking position for this keyword Position change and search volume Keyword CPC URL Competitors Keywords the site ranks in Missing keywords #3 Domain analysis Domain visibility Domain traffic Number of keywords Improved and declined keywords New and lost keywords PPC keywords Number of results in Google, Bing Yandex Quality Index Number of images in Google Image Search Alexa Rank. Visibility change graph In fact, weve brought together the most useful SEO features, so you no longer need a bunch of tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, Majestic and others. Keep an eye on this - its just the beginning, youll see many exciting updates soon. Important: To get full access to all functionality, youll need to sign up on For information regarding data collection please visit:
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