This simple extension allows you to easily manage your daily tasks right in your browser. Features: ✓ Minimalistic interface. ✓ Clickable links in the text. ✓ Drag-and-drop support for tasks. ✓ You can set a priority for a task. ✓ You can save the selected text on a page as a task by context menu. ✓ Export/Import functionality. ✓ Support for data synchronization. ✓ Optional hotkeys.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Simple To-Do List Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Simple To-Do List Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Your wonderful to-do & task list to make all things done and get life well organized.
Organize work and life with Todoist for Chrome
Replace the newtab page with a simple todo list
A simple, intuitive, nice-loking, easy-to-use offline extension for Google Chrome which helps you to manage your simple tasks
The Simplest ToDo List
Simply Do is the simplest, most easy to use to-do list you'll ever find.
Replace your New Tab Page with a beautiful to-do list that logs your work and is always in sync.
A full featured task manager to accompany your Todo.txt file and smartphone apps.
Add tasks to Do it (Tomorrow) via a simple browser button.