Features - supports OGame version 6.2.2 - all functions can be enabled individually - enhanced espionage reports, display of transporters needed - Sorted presentation of espionage reports: Raidar - TrashSim combat simulation button - enhanced planet list - additional transport button - additional expedition button - resources overview on the overview page - enhanced event list - countdown for fleet recall - disable unnecessary research - Mark debris field - diverse layout changes - enhanced functionality for building ships, defence and solar sats - Display of energy needed and amount of solarsats - HTTPS Support - ...
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Skynet Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Skynet Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
AGR - the other OGame experience for all communities.
[EN][FR][ES][TR][DE] Improves the OGame interface by adding elements and menu entries.
A faster way to send expeditions!
Calculate times remaining in Ogame.
UniverseView is a fast and fun OGame add-on. Find planets everywhere and make the way you play OGame more efficient and effective!
Resource distribution is the 'key'