Slorum strap on. direct suggestions and appreciations to SpinDrift @ The Slorum inlines NSFW image links in forums inlines youtube links in forums keyboard shortcuts paste image/nsfw directly from clip boards click on app icon to toggle features Ideas are very welcome, apply in the Slorum. change log: 6.5 - resolved a bug where linked images would be treated as videos and display an empty box - increased view size of embedded videos 6.4 - imgur no longer serve webm, so we switched to mp4 for all imgur video embeds. 6.3 - updated to imgur api v3 6.2 - small fixes 6.1 - click resized images to un-resize them 6.0 - option to resize tall images to fit inside browser window - fixed a bug where gifv links were displayed as gif in clipboard tool 5.0 - embedding gifv links 4.6 - gfycat bug bugs and snags. 4.3 - Tweaks to the clipboard box 4.2 - bugfix: duplicate loading of nsfw images 4.0 - added support for gfycat links 3.4 - added support for https 3.3 - nfsw .jpeg images supported 3.2 - Bugfix: embed media checkbox wouldnt stick 3.1 - bugfix on j to scroll to next image 3.0 - Embeds vimeo links 2.0 - Embed soundcloud links 1.28 - Fixed paste from clipboard buttons 1.26 - Textual changes: removing Fazed, adding Slorum - Added som more domains, removed old ones. - Background in popup menu - new Icons 1.24/25 - added 1.23 - Fixed a resize bug in popup menu 1.22 - added permissions for new domain 1.21 - Keyboard short cut Help text in context menu 1.20 - inline NSFW images respect spoiler tags 1.13 - re-implemented and re-introduced attempt to reposition window after inserts, due to mr_greens annoyance levels reaching near maximum. Should now work much better than before. - added option to disable re-position 1.12 - Press F to go back to main forum page - tweaked image scroll-to offsets to show post header (like user name and post#) - removed attempt to reposition scroll after inserting images. (It never worked like it should, and when it did it was unexpected) 1.11 - Press N to go to next page. - J/K image navigation is now possible even before all images are loaded 1.10 - Press J and K to scroll to next / previous image or video - Press H to scroll to first unread post 1.9 -Removed paste buttons from the tab index.7 1.8 -The clipboard box is now aware of changes to the clipboard -Added close (clean clipboard) button to clipboard box 1.7 -one-click-buttons to paste [img] or [nsfw] from clipboard -fixed potential security vulnerability, thanks to Adrienne Porter Felt -various small fixes 1.6 -embeds links 1.5 -embeds youtube links in forums -extension icons -repositions browser window after inlining 1.4 -click on icon to toggle nsfw images on or off -added popup menu to icon -changed name from fazeder to fazedr -extension tries to only load images from actual image links -downsizes large images to 800px wide for happy margins -changed icon -bug: 'join us' link is marked as 'nsfw' and generates an image
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Slorum strap-on Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Slorum strap-on Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Add YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo music from any web page to playlist. Listen, aggregate, synchronize between PCs and share.
Hit Ctrl+Down to scroll the page so the next image is aligned to the top of the window.
Speed up rendering on page scroll
History on steroids
Retain your point in videos even after browser crashes and restarts
The easiest way to add music to your personal playlist from YouTube and SoundCloud
A super hacky dashboard filter for Tumblr
Transforms any page with links to images in a gallery with thumbnails and lightbox viewer. Added Links Generator.
Allows the user search YouTube for a term by highlighting text and selecting 'Search YouTube for...' from the right click menu.