soLucky Helps you Navigate the Internet Faster! With soLucky, Chrome searches take you immediately to the top site—without waiting for the full search result, without seeing all those ads, and without clicking one more time. Better yet, you still have access to the next 3 top sites and the full Google search engine while looking at the top site...soAmazing! A few other features that’ll make you feel lucky: - Use the Chrome Omnibox just the way you normally do, but now it will take you directly to your web destination. - One click access to the same search on images, videos, news and maps. - One click to the regular old Google search results youre used to. - Cool shortcuts to Google Maps, Images, Videos and News. Just search 'map nyc' to get directly to the Google Maps interface of New York City. soCool, right? Small Print: soLucky uses Google Analytics to collect extension usage statistics to help improve your experience. If you want to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit
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Redirect requests to directly
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Select. Translate. With Wordreference!
Faster Browsing on Chrome
Speed up rendering on page scroll
Scroll Preview integrates a whole-page preview with scrollbar that inspired by Sublime Text's mini map.
Loads mobile version of sites to improve speed
This extension adds maximum internet speed to the page on rightmove