Download Steam Friends Enhancer chrome extension. Improve steam friends experience and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Steam Friends Enhancer Crx download for Chrome it is also called Steam Friends Enhancer offline CRX for chrome Download. This Steam Friends Enhancer is used to Improve steam friends experience
Does various things to assist with making Steam profile artwork.
Augments your Steam Experience
Extends the Steam Badge crafting system by crafting multiple badges at once, as well as other useful features.
Filter for friends' activity in Steam. Allows to load activity for selected days and display needed part of it.
Show Steam app details with mouse hover on a Steam link
Filter achievements on Steam's website
Automatically check bans of people you recently played with, your friends, and group members.
Steam Artwork Hub Essentials is an extension for Steam that allows you to upload long artworks, screenshots, workshops and guides.
This extension allow you to automate cards getting process
Provides a more useful Steam Market History, allowing you to search, sort, highlight, track earnings, and customize