Download Subtitles for netflix chrome extension. Subtitles for netflix! and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Subtitles for netflix Crx download for Chrome it is also called Subtitles for netflix offline CRX for chrome Download. This Subtitles for netflix is used to Subtitles for netflix!
Learn English watching your favorites videos on Netflix! Translate any word from subtitles just by clicking on it.
Improve your skills on your own, effectively and enjoyably, by watching films and series in the language you study.
Bilingual Subtitles for Netflix (fixed)
Enhanced Netflix subtitles for foreign language study
Displays the subtitles in a different window
Display two subtitle languages at the same time.Rewind by a few seconds.Rewind to the start of phrases.Pause at the end of phrases
Learn English through Netflix Movies. Translate whole phrase or each word with audio and visual support.
Add captions to any video or movie on Netflix, Youtube or other platforms.
Load OpenSubtitles subtitles on Netflix
Bilingual Subtitles & Enhanced Experiences for Netflix