In addition to general tab management functions, this extension specifically enhances the browser built-in 'Tab Groups' feature. Features: ● Automatically create group for tabs through custom matching rules. ● Save and restore current tabs or groups (snapshots). ● Opened tabs/groups management: activate, close, expand/collapse, move to other window, modify group name and color, new tab in group. ● Saved tabs/groups management: delete, edit, add, expand/collapse, merge same name groups, data import/export. ● Grouping rules management: add, edit, delete, enable/disable, import/export. ● Keyboard shortcuts: group/ungroup, activate, move, close, pin, duplicate, expand/collapse, auto group by domain.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Tab Groups Extension Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Tab Groups Extension Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Allow you manage and save your chrome tabs.
Save your open tabs into collections and reopen them whenever you want in a single click!
Sync Tab Groups is an easy way to manage all your tabs. You group, organize, search and active them easily.
Tab Group Saver is a chrome extension that enables you to suspend and manage your tabs and tab groups. With Tab Group Saver, you…
Automatically add tabs to your configured groups, based on their URL.
Next-generation session and tab manager
Manage, save and restore your windows, tabs and sessions.
Quickly find open tabs, see all windows in one view, find duplicates and limit tabs per window. The best Tab Manager for Chrome.
Additional extension for saving tab groups in Tab Session Manager
An Automatic Tab Grouping Extension for Your Browser.