Download Tabius - Automatic Tab Grouping Assistant chrome extension. An Automatic Tab Grouping Extension for Your Browser. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct Tabius - Automatic Tab Grouping Assistant Crx download for Chrome it is also called Tabius - Automatic Tab Grouping Assistant offline CRX for chrome Download. This Tabius - Automatic Tab Grouping Assistant is used to An Automatic Tab Grouping Extension for Your Browser.
Automatically add tabs to your configured groups, based on their URL.
Automatically group tabs, save tabs/groups, and provide shortcuts for tabs/groups.
在后台自动对浏览器标签页进行分组。可以自定义按照标签页的域名或标题等规则进行分组,同时支持关闭自动分组使用快捷键手动触发分组。 Automatically group browser tabs in the background. You can…
Collapse your unfocused groups.
Group tabs by domain.
Tab Group Manager exends the native Tab Groups in Chrome letting you store, sync and resume them anytime and anywhere.