Speechify Text to Speech Voice Reader
Read aloud any Google Doc, PDF, webpage, or book with text to speech (TTS). Natural sounding voices in 30+ languages & 130 voices.
NaturalReader - AI Text to Speech
Read aloud any text with realistic AI voices, compatible with webpages, kindle Ebooks, Google Docs, PDF, Emails, and more.
Read Bee - text mode reader online
Simplify your reading experience with our Text Mode/Reader view feature. Enjoy articles on site without unnecessary distractions
Select and Speak - Text to Speech
Select and Speak uses iSpeech’s human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) to read any selected text in the browser. It includes many…
Transkriptor Transcribe Audio to Text
Convert audio to text. Automatically record and transcribe your meetings, and other conversations with Transkriptor.
Text To Speech with Google Drive
A high-quality unlimited TTS voice app that runs in your Chrome browser. Tool for creating voice from text or Google Drive file.
SpeakIt! - Text to speech for Chrome
Tired of reading? Select text you want to read and listen to it. SpeakIt converts text into speech so you no longer need to read.
Talkie: text-to-speech, many languages!
Fast, easy, high-quality text to speech in over 40 languages. Read out loud from websites, PDF, email. Speak text with TTS.
Image Translate, Documents to Text
Cloud Scanner!! Convert image to text, and Translate it. It also allows you to convert PDF, Image, DOC, PPT file to plain text.
Text to speech that brings productivity
Intelligent Speaker: smart reader, runs on leading tts engine. Convert files, blog posts & more to speech. Listen on any device
QPush - Push Text and Links to iPhone
The easiest way to push text and links to iPhone! Copy, send SMS, open links and maps right away! No need to email yourself anymore.