Create Beautiful,Inspirational,Fun,Emotional,Food and Many More Texmages ** CLICK ON THE TEXMAGE ICON ON ANY WEBPAGE AFTER THE PAGE IS FULLY LOADED ** Upload images by clicking the bottom-left first icon and you can choose from your library or you can enter the image url and press enter.Of course you have the coolest option of dragging an image from any website and dropping it on the tool. 1) Text Style-Choose to style text with BOLD,Italic options. 2)Text Size- Choose Normal,Large,Largest Font Sizes to style your text. 3)Font Family- Choose from 5 of the most used and best suitable fonts for every type of Texmage. 4)Text Color- Choose from 12 different colors to go with your image or background color for the text. 5) Text Alignment- Align Text by selecting text and choosing your desired alignment horizontally.For Vertical Alignment you can do it with Enter key and Backspace Key from your keyboard. 6) Background Color- Do not want to upload image, its fine.Choose from 12 different background colors based on mood or the content of the texmage and write text on it. 7) Opacity- Apply Opacity to image to highlight your text on the image. 8) Share Texmage- You can share Texmage through 11 most used social platforms.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Texmage Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Texmage Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Instantly add text to any image - just right-click!
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