Easy one-click text-to-speech activation. Auto detects source language (no need to set language each time). Text-to-speech is enabled by holding 'Alt', 'T' or 'Insert' key. Highlights selected text while text-to-speech is running. Save the speech audio files in .mp3 format on your PC Hard Disk or Google Drive. Try our software now. Its 100% free to use, and you can access the test results onto your hard drive or Google Drive.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Text to Speech Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Text to Speech Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Want to listen to text being read out to you?
Intelligent Speaker: smart reader, runs on leading tts engine. Convert files, blog posts & more to speech. Listen on any device
AI-powered text-to-speechе tool. Voice over for books and PDF files. ChatGPT summarizer for anything.
Select and Speak uses iSpeech’s human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) to read any selected text in the browser. It includes many…
Fast, easy, high-quality text to speech in over 40 languages. Read out loud from websites, PDF, email. Speak text with TTS.
Tired of reading? Select text you want to read and listen to it. SpeakIt converts text into speech so you no longer need to read.
Download Microsoft Text-to-Speech website demo app synthesized speech with 1 click.
High quality text-to-speech reader capable of seamlessly reading large amounts of text.
Select any text you want to read and just listen to it!
Read any selected text in the browser with human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) engines