Adds checkboxes to search results on TorrentDay, allowing for batch download of torrent files
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the TorrentDay Batch Download Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the TorrentDay Batch Download Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
It goes through the html page content searching for magnet links.
Find magnet and torrent links in a page much easier and safer.
Adds HiDef buttons, larger page footers, styles episode numbers.
Send torrents to the TorrentCLOUD
A simple extension that displays torrents for IMDB movies and series directly onto the page
A kick-ass way to search a torrent by selecting text!
A pirate's way to search a torrent by selecting text!
Adds IMDb information to torrent files on Torrentz.
This extension will recognise a .torrent file download and upload the .torrent file to a remote server running the rutorrent webui
A kick-ass way to search a torrent by selecting text!