This extension allows you to send multiple commands in a matter of milliseconds. 1) Prepare your commands in adjacent tabs. 2) Select the tab with your first command. 3) Click the noble icon in the top right to open a popup (see image) 4) Enter the number of commands you wish to send in the tabs field 5) Enter the desired time gap (in milliseconds) between your commands in the gap field 6) Click the send button when you want your commands to depart If the order of your commands gets messed up, try increasing the time gap Note that the extension is in no way capable to circumvent the technical block of the minimal gap set by the world settings. A good choice for the gap field typically would be 5 or 10 ms less than the world setting.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Tribal Wars Train Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Tribal Wars Train Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.