Tumblr loads images in 2 resolutions: 500 wide and 1280 wide. Some tumblrs actually have the 1280 resolution, but when clicked, they link to the 500 one. This extension attempts to automatically find and display the bigger image, if a higher resolution is available. UPDATE: Now works with gifs! [from 250/400 to 500 resolution]
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Tumblr 1280 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Tumblr 1280 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension attempts to optimise tumblr to prevent lag after a lot of scrolling.
Takes the Tumblr Dashboard back to how it looked before the update ruined it
A revolutionary way to browse Tumblr photo blogs
One click Tumblr large resolution image download from the context menu.
Tumblr dashboard posts expand on demand.
Puts timestamps in footers of posts in tumblr dashboard
Tumblr Multi-function tool for navigation and other administrative functions of Tumblr.com . Developed By Eklect Technology
A super hacky dashboard filter for Tumblr
When you open a tumblr image into a new tab or window, this extension auto-loads a larger image version if it's available.