TxtAnalyser is a unique language tool that finds and corrects your students’ spelling and grammatical mistakes. The purpose of TxtAnalyser is: * to reduce the time spent on trivial tasks and give teachers more time with their students in the classroom, * to make students better writers by correcting mistakes and by providing precise feedback, in realtime. TxtAnalyser manages your trivial tasks and gives you more time to guide and assist your students. The statistics module enables you to monitor, and set learning goals, for each student. * Choose between several display languages for second language learners. * Choose between different types of error reporting to suit the way that you teach. TxtAnalyser is built for the cloud, easy to install and use, and it updates automatically.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the TxtAnalyser Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the TxtAnalyser Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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