Now your friends will not know have you read their messages or not. This Unseenly extension: Block the ”Seen” feature Block the 'Delivery receipts' feature Block 'Last active' indicator Block the 'Typing...' indicator Unseenly app works on, and also on Use Fb Unseen when necessary and easily turn it off in the menu, if you do not want to hide your actions. Keep your privacy with Facebook Unseen.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Unseen - Chat Privacy Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Unseen - Chat Privacy Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
J2TEAM Security helps protect against phishing attacks.
This extension opens up the social network pages associated to a specific handle.
Provides useful utilities for users of social networks: Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Reddit...
Unseenly for Facebook hides the seen feature in Facebook chat and Messenger. Your friends can't know when you read their message
This extension sends a notification when someone deletes you from Facebook.
Blocks the 'Seen' feature on Facebook Messages.
Check messenger without the stress. Don't send typing indicators or read receipts. Free & open source, only 30 lines of code.
View facebook pics of any user.
Unofficial Messenger dark mode. Easily swap between dark and light mode.