This is a small tool for UVa Online Judge - No need to open a new tab, just in ONE CLICK, you can: 1. Submit your problem solution to UVa. 2. Have detailed information of one problem: name, time limit, some statistics (best running time, number of AC/WA/TLE/RE submissions) and some useful quick links related to the problem. 3. Watch UVa live submissions (auto updated). 4. Keep track of submissions of a specific user (auto updated). If you have any feedback, please send your email to address Any ideas will be valued. Have fun solving problems :). Additional information: This tool is developed based on some components of UVa Management Tool -, which is also a tool for UVa Online Judge; and uHunt APIs -, which provides lots of useful functions and statistics of UVa Online Judge. Change logs: *Version 1.1.3 - Update user submission URL API *Version 1.1.2 - Add link to uDebug ( tool in footer. *Version 1.1.1 - Add new language: C++11
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the UVa Quick Access Tool Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the UVa Quick Access Tool Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
One app. All coding contests. Keeps you updated with all active & upcoming coding competitions and hackathons from around the world
Allows to parse tasks directly from browser.
Analyse Codeforces profiles
Never miss a Coding contest again! Displays live and upcoming Programming Contests happening on a variety of popular platforms.
Makes Codeforces better: multiple ratings graph, colorizes standings, adds 'Hide/Show solved problems' link
Parses competitive programming problems and sends them to various tools like CP Editor and CPH.
This extension predicts rating changes for Codeforces. It shows approximate deltas during and after the contest.
Adds charts to Timus Online Judge profiles
This extension will help you to remain updated with the latest CodeForces contests.