Schedule conference calls and online screen sharing meetings with one click! Easily schedule online meetings with the Web Meetings for Google Calendar integration. Your Web Meeting information will automatically be added to any calendar event you create. To schedule a Web Meeting directly from your Google Calendar: 1. Create a new Google Calendar event 2. Click 'Make it a Vast Conference Meeting' in Event Details 3. Your Web Meeting information will automatically populate in the Location and Meeting Description 4. Select the time and date of your meeting 5. Invite any guests 6. Save the calendar event. Your guests will have the link and dial-in information they need in their invitation. With your Web Meeting account, you can: • Host web conferences instantly • Share your screen with attendees across the globe • Send chat messages to the whole group or individual attendees • Send files directly to your participants • Host unlimited conferences every month • Self-manage your account online
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Vast Conference for Google Calendar Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Vast Conference for Google Calendar Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Schedule meetings in Google Calendar
Easiest way to save the attendance list for your meetings or lectures
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