Vertabs is a Chrome Extension made for tab junkies. Vertabs gives you a scrollable vertical list of all your open tabs. Use Chrome in fullscreen, and view your tabs and their titles in Vertabs! Please report any bugs or issues here: Contact me at:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Vertabs Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Vertabs Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Free! Easily manage and present your tabs vertically.
Vertical grouping of tabs, quick search in favorites and in the history of page views
Manage tabs inside fullscreen mode
Sort your tabs and show them as a tree.
Vertical tab manager
A chrome extension that presents your tabs vertically. News: - Tab preview support is here! - Dark theme support is here!…
Keep it simple! A very simple extension that lets you see the tabs in a vertical manner in a popup window. The window can…
Adds a little Browser-Button which opens a Window in which you can order, arrange and highlight Tabs and Windows and much more
The most feature-packed tab manager. Save & organize your tabs, sync across devices!
Switch tabs more efficiently.