Video Blocker stops annoying autoplay videos before they start. * Prevents all web videos from automatically playing on pages. * Allows you to whitelist specific domains like where you want videos to play. * Allows you to enable a single video by clicking on the video directly. * If you find a video this extension is not currently blocking, Id love to hear about it. Hit me up on twitter @benplowman. New in version 1.2 (October 2022): * Fixed a bug where several languages were poorly translated. * Migrated to the latest version of the Chrome Extensions framework (manifest v3) New in version 1.1: * Fixed a bug where some videos were no longer being blocked. New in version 1.0: * Reduce CPU usage in pages with lots of content updates. * Support for adding domains with multiple parts like '' to the allow list. Before you could only add the end of the domain, '', to the allow list, which didnt make much sense. * Removed unused notifications permission.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Video Blocker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Video Blocker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Block all YouTube videos except white-listed channels to protect your children
Block Youtube videos by full title or partial match. Use the asterisk (*) to specify an arbitrary number of characters
Stops video autoplay gracefully.
Allows you to block YouTube™ videos and comments by blacklisting users and/or by using regular expressions.
Block ALL videos
Disable autoplay and preloading of HTML5 video and audio players.
Block irrelevant channels from the home page of youtube.
Easily block all images & videos within a website!
YouTube™ content blocker
Block videos, comments, channels and much more!