? Translator Features - Supports all languages provided by Google Translate. - Can be used in full screen. - Subtitle position can be changed. - You can set the subtitle style. ⚡️ Supported sites - Udemy - Udacity - Youtube ? Send any questions or suggestions about this extension to dev.fachory@gmail.com
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Video CC translator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Video CC translator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Automatically switch to local language, bilingual subtitles, subtitle download, subtitle dubbing, custom subtitle style.
General Subtitle Translator for Multiple Sites. Displays bilingual subtitles. Supported sites are actively increasing.
Subtitle translator for Udemy. Also, Show YouTube subtitles to the corresponding language, No need for hierarchical menu selection.
Subtitle translator for Coursera. Displays bilingual subtitles.
Udemy의 강의를 Google Chrome의 Translate로 번역하기
This extension translates video's audio on the current tab to your own language
Fast and Lightweight. Udemy's Missing Functions for Non-English Speaking Learners.
Set and forget. No need to re-select your subtitle language anymore.
Improve your language skills by watching TV shows and movies.