This extension will save your accessing URLs automatically as your bookmark. Use case: If you are learning any language, and accessing an online dictionary frequently, this extension will create your vocabulary flash card as your bookmark. You can find all your searched words in your bookmark folder. Using this extension, you can: - Specify URL patterns to save, exclude pattern not to save. - Lookup your searching words from the title or URL of the page. - Choose your bookmark folder to save your bookmarks. - Have multiple set of configurations as many as you like. By default, this extension has 2 sets of configuration, and those are disabled. Please modify, add and remove these configurations as you like. In addition, this extension will: - Sync your configuration to all your Chrome browsers. - Sync your vocabulary flash card to all your Chrome browsers. These features are depends on Chrome sync. In order to use these features, please sign in to your Chrome browser with your Google account, and enable Extensions and Bookmarks sync.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Vocabulary Flash Card Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Vocabulary Flash Card Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Memslate > Memorize your Translations
Your words, your vocabulory
FlashTabs is a digital flashcard app in your new tab screen. Create decks, add some cards, then learn every time you open a new tab.
Passive vocabulary building extension
Vocabulary manager
Flashcard clipper for any webpage. Add notes and quiz questions. Learn and memorize using spaced repetition to remember everything.