VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome Extension

VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) chrome extension

VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) for Chrome Download

VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) chrome extension is Select to speech helper. Supporting VOICEVOX and Chrome built-ins..
 VoiceSissy is easy-to-use select-to-speech tool as well as text-to-speech (TTS) AND speech-to-text (STT) text editor. 

- Turn your speech into machine voiced (Realtime Speech-to-Text-to-Speech)
- Transcribe your speech in text edtor (STT Transcriber Editor)
- Read selected text on any webpage (Text segmentation and TTS)
- Read your text as you write (TTS Talk Editor)

Originally this software was developed for VOICEVOX but you can use it with Chromes built-in voice synthesizers. VOICEVOX produces human-quality tech-to-speech (TTS)  deep learning technology to human-quality TTS in Japanes, and its free :)

VoiceSissy supports the following TTS engine for now.

- Built-in Voice Synthesis
    - Google Chrome built-ins
        - English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese etc...
    - Operation System built-ins
        - Microsoft voices (on Windows)
        - Apple voices (on macOS)
    - Shikoku Metan (Japanese)
    - Zundamon (Japanese)
- Bouyomi-Chan (via WebSocket plugin)


1. Open https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/ and setup VOICEVOX.
2. Run VOICEVOX on your machine.
3. Select any text on your browser, right click, then select 'VoiceSissy : Read'.
4. Browser will read out the selected text.


Throw any complaint or idea to my twitter, I might consider writing code for it :)
Article. Google Section. Legislature. Representative Text-to-Speech Preprocessors Listening... children Article. Google Section. Legislature. Representative significant Text-to-Speech Preprocessors Listening... children

How to install VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore or download the extension VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome Extension Download from https://pluginsaddonsextensions.com
  • Step 2: Now search for the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) extension for your Chrome Web browser .

VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) chrome extension (CRX)

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