VoiceSissy is easy-to-use select-to-speech tool as well as text-to-speech (TTS) AND speech-to-text (STT) text editor. - Turn your speech into machine voiced (Realtime Speech-to-Text-to-Speech) - Transcribe your speech in text edtor (STT Transcriber Editor) - Read selected text on any webpage (Text segmentation and TTS) - Read your text as you write (TTS Talk Editor) Originally this software was developed for VOICEVOX but you can use it with Chromes built-in voice synthesizers. VOICEVOX produces human-quality tech-to-speech (TTS) deep learning technology to human-quality TTS in Japanes, and its free :) VoiceSissy supports the following TTS engine for now. - Built-in Voice Synthesis - Google Chrome built-ins - English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese etc... - Operation System built-ins - Microsoft voices (on Windows) - Apple voices (on macOS) - VOICEVOX - Shikoku Metan (Japanese) - Zundamon (Japanese) - Bouyomi-Chan (via WebSocket plugin) Usage: 1. Open https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/ and setup VOICEVOX. 2. Run VOICEVOX on your machine. 3. Select any text on your browser, right click, then select 'VoiceSissy : Read'. 4. Browser will read out the selected text. Support: Throw any complaint or idea to my twitter, I might consider writing code for it :) http://twitter.com/higon/
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the VoiceSissy (Speech-to-Text-to-Speech TTS STT) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
AI-powered text-to-speechе tool. Voice over for books and PDF files. ChatGPT summarizer for anything.
Read any selected text in the browser with human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) engines
An easy to use speech synthesis and recognition tool for your browser!
Read the text on the displayed tab
Speech to text converter to fill active text area with your voice using the built-in speech recognition engine of your browser
Highlight and right click text to translate/voice!