Web Archives is a browser extension that enables you to find archived and cached versions of web pages. Searches can be initiated from the context menu and the browser toolbar. Web Archives is an open source project made possible thanks to a community of awesome supporters. If youd like to support the continued development of the extension, please check out https://armin.dev/go/patreon A diverse set of archive and cache sources are supported, which can be toggled and reordered from the extensions options. Visit the wiki for the full list of supported search engines. https://github.com/dessant/web-archives/wiki/Search-engines PRO TIP: search for a link without visiting the web page by right-clicking on the link and searching from the context menu. A handful of search modes are offered that serve different use cases. The search mode can be set independently for the context menu and the browser toolbar from the extensions options. Search modes: • Tab: search for the web page opened in the active tab. This is the default search mode. • URL: search for a custom page URL. The URL you select during a search is sent to the requested service, such as the Wayback Machine. Visit the extensions privacy policy for more information. The extension is also available for Edge and Safari: https://github.com/dessant/web-archives#readme Reviews are not monitored for bug reports, please use GitHub for issues and feature requests. https://github.com/dessant/web-archives
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Web Archives Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Web Archives Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Automatically redirect every page to its archived version in Wayback Machine, except the sites in Excludes List
Enhance archive.org with inline metadata editing and a black and white UI.
Allows simple archiving of webpages to the Internet Archive.
Want to view a cached website? With WebCache it takes 1 click to view the Google Cache, Wayback Machine, Archive.is, or Coral CDN!
The Official Wayback Machine Extension - by the Internet Archive.
Extension management is easier with Extensioner.
Easily view archived (cached) webpages via seven different engines.
Want to view cached pages and cached websites? Right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine or Google Cached pages.
With one click, restores broken images by using the most recent version archived on the Wayback Machine if there is any.
Make Google Search more beautiful and convenient