Have you ever wanted to know which is that stylish font used on a certain website? Or the text color used? Or have you ever wanted to know the dimensions of an image without having to download it? Or a audio / video source URL? If yes, this is the extension for you. Install Web Inspector on Chrome and on a certain page click on the extension icon. Then mouse over a certain element you are curious about and click on it. A window will be displayed around this item with information about the font used, the text color, the background color, the source URL (in case it is a multimedia item), among others. If you dont want to inspect any more element on the page just click on the extension icon again to turn it off. In case you would like to contribute you can find our GitHub page here: https://github.com/Anakin88/chrome-extension-web_inspector. Use it to inspect the Web. Hope you like it!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Web Inspector Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Web Inspector Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Detect web applications and javascript libraries run while browsing websites. VeryCoolUsefulApps.
Dev Tools sidebar that aids finding unique CSS selectors for Selenium WebDriver tests.
View source code of Chrome extensions, Firefox addons or Opera extensions (crx/nex/xpi) from the Chrome web store and elsewhere.
Code Cola is a chrome extension for editing online pages' css style visually.
A simple CSS property viewer.
Inspect element for content, and margin.
Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools.
Live preview of CSS/Less/Sass code changes. Auto-save file, autocomplete, Less/Sass to CSS, beautify, CSS reloader, lint, ...
View current page sources: HTML + Javascript + CSS
An easy way to inspect the CSS of any element with only hover over, and copy its entire CSS with one click.