Annotating the web: active with extension button in toolbar (or using context menu ), advanced filters of Annotator in any web page. Then select some text of the web page and click the end of the selection to highlight and add your own annotation or note with tags. If you want disable Annotator using command context menu - Simply select some text on page and make a comment - Save note in unlimited storage of your Browser - Edit or delete annotation or comment - If you want, save selected text in your computer using context menu - Advanced filters to search annotations or comments - Hide or show filters toolbar using context menu - Do you want added web page with comments to bookmarks? With Web Page Annotator you can using just context menu
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Web Page Annotator Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Web Page Annotator Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Annotate Websites!
A simple tool to annotate web pages and share them through permalinks.
Use this extension to annotate (edit, highlight, popup/embedded notes & page notes) your web-pages.
Annotate web pages, PDFs, Google Slides, and Google Docs to improve engagement. Annotate in Google Meet when screen sharing.
The most elegant and efficient annotation tool.
Highlighter and Notes for Webpages
Productivity Highlighter for any Website or PDF. Free and easy to use without signing up.
Annotate on any webpage and save it as a screenshot!