Download WebP Please! chrome extension. Attempts to serve WebP images when possible. and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct WebP Please! Crx download for Chrome it is also called WebP Please! offline CRX for chrome Download. This WebP Please! is used to Attempts to serve WebP images when possible.
Displays the openness / closedness of the Chrome OS build tree.
Used to inspect the info about an IP or domain.
A simple way to monitor websites. Extension created by Ale Mohamad.
Allows quick jumping between Chrome, Blink, WebKit, V8, etc. source links
Chrome DevTools extension for debugging Lavaca apps.
Prevent unreachable servers from stalling websites by disabling their scripts for 5 minutes if they previously could not load.
Look for patterns inside HTML, JS, CSS and AJAX code
Show a notification when an extension is updated.
Transform selected text using one of several built-in filters.