Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia. Simple. Completely unobtrusive, easy to use, WikiTube ads a new dimension to Wikipedia. WikiTube makes Wikipedia both more fun and informative. Featured by Lifehacker * Featured by CNET * Featured by Softpedia * Featured by * ✓ Privacy guaranteed
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Context makes reading any Wikipedia article easier and more rewarding.
Look up Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Google Translate, Google Maps, and Oxford American Dictionary.
Good old Wikipedia gets a great new look
A massive redesign of the Wikipedia website. Enhanced design includes a more user friendly interface that increases readability.
Display quick description of the terms in the Wikipedia article.
WikiMapper - Track and graph your adventures down the Wikipedia rabbit hole.
Utilities to improve the user experience of for avid users.
Advanced Magic for Wikipedia.
Shows previews of linked articles on Wikipedia pages
Search Wikipedia in every language from the address bar and context menu.