This package allows you to view window size upon resizing the browser. Colors, font-size, and location can be changed in the options panel.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Window Dimensions Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Window Dimensions Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Resize Google Chrome windows.
This extension displays Chrome’s viewport dimensions when resizing the browser window.
This extension displays Chrome’s viewport dimensions when resizing the browser window.
This extension displays Chrome’s viewport dimensions when resizing the browser. Simple, straight forward and with zero bloat.
Calculate screen size and resolution.
A calculator that lets you find out ppi, diagonal screen size, and to convert device into CSS dimensions.
Resize the browser window to emulate various screen resolutions.
Quickly moves your Firefox window to a pre-defined position on your screen.
Resize window with a 'key'stroke.
Determines browser window width and which bootstrap viewport is in use.