Want to create a word cloud based on all the words located on a website/document? Want to find the most frequent words used and display it nicely in an image? You can do so now using Word Cloud for Google Chrome™ Our software will scan through the words/text located within this website and create a word cloud within minutes for you. Disclaimer: Please note this extension is NOT made by Google and is made by an independent development team. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. Google doesn’t endorse or sponsor this Chrome extension. Word Cloud for Google Chrome™ is not owned by, is not licensed by and is not a subsidiary of Google Inc.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Word Cloud for Google Chrome™ Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Word Cloud for Google Chrome™ Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Create your wordcloud from your text file quickly from local computer.
You can create your Mind Map diagrams
Create your photo collage and save image to Google Drive or local computer.
Putting Wordle on a new tab
You can create your Mind Map diagrams
Search for scientific information as quickly as possible while researching and writing scientific papers.
This extension create a worldcloud with the content of the page where you are
Turns any text you selected on the web into an awesome word cloud
Adds an Edpuzzle button next to YouTube™ videos to quickly start editing them in Edpuzzle
Textrespons, bedömning och analys.