Weather forecast & current weather worldwide in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Explore world weather maps to view meteorological conditions all across the world. Automatically displays the weather forecast for your current location, or Enter city name to get forecasts for cities around the world.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the World Weather Forecast Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the World Weather Forecast Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Boost browsing productivity with mouse navigation shortcuts - simple Mouse Gestures, Super Drag, Wheel Gestures, Rocker Gestures.
This app enables mouse dragging and right-clicking on sites where these functions are disabled.
Simple weather application
Provides local and long-range weather forecasts using Weather Underground
AI-powered weather forecasting
Accidentally closed your last tab? Tired of losing tabs in Incognito? Don't worry, everything is possible with this sexy extension!
A simple popup to undo closed tabs, just that and a bit more.
This is the official extension of World Weather online ( ). ► What is the functionality? This…
For developers
5-Day Weather Forecast Of Your City