Reverting Tumblr’s awful design choices, one at a time. Up to date, despite old screenshots.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the #wrap Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
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Shows you any inactive Tumblr blogs you're following.
Post your list of favorite tags on Tumblr in one click.
Tumblr dashboard posts expand on demand.
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
Changes Tumblr tabs' titles to things that make sense.
Puts timestamps in footers of posts in tumblr dashboard
Tumblr Multi-function tool for navigation and other administrative functions of . Developed By Eklect Technology
Reverts the way comments look back to the pyramid blockquotes style. Works for the dashboard and the reblog editor!
Creates download links on Tumblr audio posts.