Wtyczka przywraca starą wersję playera serwisu wykop.pl (zastępuje JWPlayer przez zwykły player YouTube)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the WykopPlayerKiller Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the WykopPlayerKiller Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Wtyczka dla użytkowników plente.com
Automatically accepts cookie policy/GDPR on websites.
Alters the Flinders University Online (FLO) video player.
Disables autoplay of all HTML5 audio and video
NoPremium.pl native extension
IMDb. movie ratings synchronization
Unofficial Spotify Web Player Search Extension.
Send media stream links from current tab to VLC (VideoLAN) media player
An extension to use the HTML5 Player UI instead of Flash player in every twitch channels
Easily play flash content across the web!