You must be logged into Yahoo for this add-on to work! Warning: Dont remove permission for '*' (the add-on wont work anymore). How to update the add-on: Remove old version first then install new version. The difference between this and the other add-ons are: This add-on only fetches a small data (kb) instead of the full page (mb) what the other add-ons are doing. For this reason, i decided to create my own notifier for Yahoo. Icon made by Freepik from
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Yahoo! Mail Notifier Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Yahoo! Mail Notifier Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Multiple label and account notifier for Google Mail (Gmail)
Notifier for Google Mail. Explore incoming mails with multi-account support (Gmail)
Get daily top headlines when opening your browser! This extension automatically sets as your homepage and new tab page.
Displays the number of unread messages in your Outlook inbox. You can also click the button to open your inbox.
See search differently. Set your search engine to Yahoo!
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud,, and GMX
This extension sets your search engine to Yahoo and customizes your page with beautiful photos and access to your top sites
Notifier for Gmail, iCloud, Hotmail, Yahoo, AOL and so on
ヤフーメール通知拡張 30秒に一度自動で確認 ログインしておく必要があります。
Get desktop notifications for new emails in your Gmail account, even when Gmail is not open in a tab.