When installing this extension, it puts a button to the right of the omnibox which is used for fun. When clicked it plays 'YEE' and shows a little picture of 'YEE'. Its really funny when played at the right time. ;) Version 1.1: Removed controls and upped music volume.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the YEE Extension Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the YEE Extension Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Replaces swear words with NOOT NOOT.
You can hear the almighty pokemon legend coming back.
When you click the button it goes WHAT ARE YOU DOING!
This extension endlessly plays a video of Link saying “excuuuuse me, princess!”
Turn any webpage into a crazy page with the click of a button
such god doge
PPAP extension by Martin and Micheal. Click on it and it will play the PPAP video in animated box. v8.0.
Largest Web Store meme soundboard with over 700 sounds! Made by memesoundboard.com
Keemstar singing 'I'm your host, killer keemstar'... 'let's get right into the news'