Erase your YouTube comment history. Simply add to Chrome, open the extension, navigate to your comment history page, and then clear your comment history slow and steady. Opinions and code contributions welcome at
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the YouTube Comment Deleter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the YouTube Comment Deleter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Play the Youtube shorts video as if it were a normal video.
Replicate old YouTube look and features within the modern layout!
the best and easy way to unsubscribe all channels
Search comments, replies, chat replay, video transcript for the current video on YouTube by contents, authors, time.
Adds many useful tweaks to pages on the youtube site. Remove subscriptions, clear watched videos & more!
Allows users to see timestamped comments as they watch YouTube
Turn off YouTube comments and hide YouTube live chat on videos.