Zikr app make it easy for you to listen Holy Quran much more faster and easier with professional Quran player provides list of readers constantly renewed and possibility of requesting to add your favorite readers, The app is available in two languages Arabic and English with several options to play Quran playlist . For suggestions or to report a problem, please contact the following e-mail. thanks momenysr@gmail.com ---------------------- Changelog (V3) : 1 - Fixing Close Button Reset Form Issue 2 - Improving Mobility Between Session 3 - Adding Volume Option 4 - Adding Time Option 5 - Adding Repeat Option 6 - Adding Progress Bar Time/Mobility Option 7 - Fixing Random Playing Issue 8 - Adding TURK Language 9 - Improving UI 10 - Improving JS Core 11 - Fixing Alt-Image Bug On Linux
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Zikr Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Zikr Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
The Holy Quran Kareem Radio from mp3quran.net .
Read the Holy Quran offline using your browser | استخدم متصفحك لقراءة القرآن الكريم بدون اتصال انترنت
اذاعات القرآن الكريم - Islamic Quran Radio - Islamic Radio.
Accurate prayer times calculations based on islamicfinder.org with many customizable features
This extension loads up links to Quranic Audio hosted on http://quranicaudio.com
Quran Tab is an Islamic new tab page that will keep you inspired by a verse from the Quran every time you open a new tab.