Share your screen to show how it is done! You can make your screen visible to your trainees or your attendees. Convey ideas and explain processes in detail instantaneously. Through this extension, you can share your screen with your learners in a Zoho ShowTime powered classroom.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Zoho Screen Sharing Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Zoho Screen Sharing Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A perfect web conferencing tool to host online meetings, share screen and join conference with video collaboration in browser.
Easy navigation to all of Zoho's services in a single dropdown panel.
Free Remote Support and Remote Access from your Chrome browser
A/B testing and Website Optimization from Zoho
Create, access and edit Writer documents from any tab, and clip references to a document.
Clear the clutter. Clip the web. Save to Notebook.
SSS-Send,Search,Share.Select Text-Send using ZMail or Search in ZSearch,ZPeople.Click icon to share a current page link via email