Zoomba is an extension, which allows you to set a zoom increment and assign it to different keys or mouse wheel actions. You can use several keys and wheel combinations to set different zoom steps.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Zoomba Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Zoomba Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Press + - * can zoom just like Opera browser.
Zoom in or zoom out of an image for better view
Zoom web pages with the left or right mouse button and the scroll wheel.
Zoom in and out on images and videos using shift + mouse wheel and by other ways.
Zoom in and out with the right mouse button and left click or wheel.
Easily set a custom zoom level for each website (or all websites)
Zooming in on websites. Doubleclick on any element on this page to zoom in and doubleclick again, or use ESC, to zoom out.