Community Meter Chrome Extension

Community, posts, number, contributors, top, meter, post, period, days, activity, chart, comments, people, content, active

Community Meter for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    1.4K +
  • Reviewed by :
    33 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    Romain Vialard
Community Meter chrome extension is Get statistics from Google+ communities.

Get statistics from Google+ communities.

google plus community meter lets you analyse the content of any community over the last 30 days to measure its activity, like the number of posts, +1, comments and a list of the top contributors.

It’s particularly helpful for community owners and moderators, but every members of a community can use it.

Statistics over the last 30 days include: - The number of posts - The number of active members (people who have posted or commented on a post) - total number of +1’s - Total number of comments - Top contributors (people who have written the highest number of posts + comments over the period) - A chart displaying the number of posts per day - A pie chart with the repartition of posts by your community categories - top 6 most commented posts - Top 6 most liked posts The data reported by Community Meter can be used to: Track a community’s activity over time establish a content strategy to better engage with the audience Identify your most engaged contributors: who is most influential Who participates most Monitor a community’s growth See what days the community is most active to when is the best time to post Release notes: v1.2.12: - allow custom period selection - Bugs fix

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