Google Cache Browser Chrome Extension

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Google Cache Browser for Chrome Download

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Google Cache Browser chrome extension is Turn all links into Google Cache links. It falls back to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine when a cached page isn't found..

Turn all links into google cache links. It falls back to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine when a cached page isn't found..

Dont you hate it when a website is down and you need the information on it Youre clever, so you do a google search of the URL of the page you want and then select the cached result.

However, if you want to follow any of the links on the cached page you have to copy the URL, go back to Google, search on the URL, click on the little arrow, and select "Cached" to finally get where you want to go.

Then you have to repeat that process if you want to continue browsing that site through the google cache.

When you enable the google cache browser all links will be transformed into google cache links.

When you visit a page in the Google Cache all of the links on that page will also become google cache links.

You can seamlessly browse websites through the Google Cache just by pressing a button.

When youre done browsing through the Google Cache on that tab simply press the google cache browser button again to turn it off.


Additionally, in this version, when you encounter a 404 or 503 page google cache browser displays an option bar that lets you choose to browse that page, domain, host, or full path in the Google Cache.

Its unobtrusive, itll only be there when you need it.

New in 2.8!

When a page isnt found in the Google Cache, it will automatically try to find the page in the Internet Archive: wayback machine.

From there you can navigate between google cache pages and wayback machine pages seamlessly.

Upcoming features: - Specify what order to try the different cached page repositories.

- Possible option to browse Bing and Yahoo caches (this is much more difficult and slower) The project is open source and hosted here:

Google Cache Browser is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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