Neutralike for Facebook Chrome Extension

Time, notification, facebook, extension, comments, posts, trap, commentary, thoughtful, consent, enabled, implicit, red, form, dropdown

Neutralike for Facebook for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
    Deleted from Chrome Web store
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    190 +
  • Reviewed by :
    10 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
    offered by Adam Powers
Neutralike for Facebook chrome extension is This extension purges 'Like' functionality from Facebook..

This extension purges 'Like' functionality from Facebook..

This extension removes the ability to like things on Facebook, hides like counts on posts and comments, removes like notifications from the notification dropdown (beta), and softens the ui notification colors to be more neutral.

It does not remove your ability to like pages, nor does it hide like notifications in the minifeed (yet).

Why Its too easy to fall into the trap of mindlessly clicking like on posts and comments instead of taking the time to engage and leave thoughtful commentary.

Facebook does not mind this; theyre not currently in the business of monetizing your thoughtful commentary.

Further, the reward center activation that comes from receiving Likes (which includes the big red notification badge, which Ive chosen to soften) keeps us spending more time on the site, deriving worth from (and thus expending effort to receive) this form of social currency.

This is also by Facebooks design, enabled by our implicit consent.

By doing away with the whole concept of Likes as much as possible, it encourages you to put time into crafting actual messages to your friends instead, and frees you from the need to see how many imaginary internet points your posts and comments have received.

Neutralike for Facebook is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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