Patent Monk Chrome Extension

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Patent Monk for Chrome Download

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Patent Monk chrome extension is Read patents like never before....

read patents like never before....

Patent Monk is a revolutionary interface that optimizes every patent for a lightning quick search and reading experience.

Taking patents from the Stone Age into the modern web 2.0, .... patent monk you get: Modern layout for optimal readability OCRed drawings linked to patent text Quick previews of related patents Patents organized by folders/clients Larger, interactive drawings Legal events for every patent Color, font and layout personalization Convenient fixed table of contents Dozens of other improvements Review summaries of related and cited patents without leaving the current patent and much more.... Like Patent Monk Please rate us ---- Q: How do I use patent monk A: Just install our small extension.

Then either go directly to to search, or keep searching using google patents.

The patent monk interface will automatically appear every time you click on a google patent link.

Q: How does it work A: Its simple.

The extension replaces links to Google Patents with links to the same patent on Patent Monk.

Q: Can I still read the original article on Google Patents A: Of course!

Click the “Down Arrow" logo, then "Read on Google Patents" Q: Why the permissions A: When you see "Read and Change all your data on the websites you visit" and "Communicate with cooperating websites," just know theyre standard messages from Google that simply mean we automagically direct you to our site instead of Google Patents and save any customizations you make to the reading experience.

nothing fishy going on here!

Visit our homepage: Patent Monk Supports: Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.

Follow us: Facebook - Twitter - *************** Support- please submit support inquires to [email protected] (Chrome Gallery comments are less frequently checked and supported).

Patent Monk is deleted from Previously it is on chrome store,its urls is

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